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Cat, registered name Lightcatcher, was born on March 21, 2001 and retired to Ryerss Farm on February 15, 2022. She is a black and white Paint mare standing at 15.3 hands high. She is a minimal paint with only a few white spots. Cat’s father was a champion Paint jumper named Spotlight. She spent most of her life with her former owner and became a wonderful trail horse. After many natural horsemanship clinics, Cat could even be ridden without reins. They also competed in many hunter paces and even won the Tewksbury Trail Association and Essex Fox Hounds Paces back-to-back one year.  Cat also loves to be pampered and groomed. We welcome this lovely mare to the herd where she’ll make many friends.


1710 Ridge Road

Pottstown, PA 19465

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