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Omen was born in 2006 and came to Ryerss Farm as a rescue in 2012. He is a miniature horse who was trained to pull a cart but was purchased by a stable to be ridden. When the new owners put a saddle on him, Omen became terrified and bucked it off. The problem grew worse and Omen became more and more distressed. It was clear that he was not able to do what was demanded of him. Afraid that he might be sold for slaughter, a concerned citizen stepped in and purchased Omen. Since she could not keep him, she asked Ryerss Farm to provide a home for him and he has been a well-loved resident ever since.


1710 Ridge Road

Pottstown, PA 19465

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Ryerss Farm for Aged Equines está registrada como una organización benéfica en el Departamento de Estado, Oficina de Corporaciones y Organizaciones Benéficas según la Ley de Solicitud de Fondos para Fines Benéficos, 10 PS § 162.1 y siguientes, y está autorizada a solicitar contribuciones benéficas bajo las condiciones y limitaciones establecidas en la Ley.

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