Ryerss Farm’s quality reputation far exceeds its resources. We welcome you to come visit and register your horse for coming to Ryerss. Because the farm is lovely and the staff so caring, at times, there is a waiting list to get into Ryerss but we will work with you to keep you updated. A horse may be added to the list at any age but will not be eligible for admittance until he or she is at least 20 years old.
step 2
Send the completed Waiting List Application to the following address:
Ryerss Farm for Aged Equines
1710 Ridge Road
Pottstown, PA 19465
Please note there is a non-refundable application fee of $250.00 to help defray administrative cost, which should accompany the Waiting List Application.
step 3
Once an opening is available, the owner will be notified in writing. If the owner elects to admit the horse, the owner will contact Ryerss to schedule a time to bring the horse to Ryerss Farm. The owner is required to have the horse ready for admittance. For information on the requirements, please see the Requirements at Time of Admission below. The owner is responsible for bringing the horse to Ryerss Farm. When a horse is admitted, transfer of ownership will be given to Ryerss Farm.
As of October 30, 2023, the admittance fee is $10,000.00. and is payable by personal check or bank check. If you use a credit card there will be a $300. convenience fee added.